Sunday, May 1, 2011

Santo Subito!

Summer afternoon windy weather,
Tense moments and hearts a flutter,
Hearts waited with abated breath,
She who has bestowed many blessings and great wealth.

Courtesy from Star Online - Beatification of Pope Blessed John Paul II 
(1st May 2011)

Our beloved and blessed Pope John Paul,
Who shepherded us and lead us away from the fall,
Gave us a sign from the heavens above,
Totus tuus is the work of the Mediatrix's love.

Deo gratias Holy Father has seen and believed,
That the cure of the nun is not to be deceived,
She ascends the altar bringing the vial,
Containing the sacred blood that brought all a big smile.

Santo subito! Sainthood now! is the cry of the masses,
Polish flags held aloft jubilations with drinking glasses,
Let there be a second miracle we hope and pray,
That he's well on his way to Sainthood come Canonisation Day.

Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta with Blessed John Paul II

† Pope Blessed John Paul II, pray for us!
Laudetur Iesus Christus...........

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Christian Butsudan

I have been reading with interest of late about "Butsudan"

Its a beautiful Japanese altar cupboard used by Buddhists of Nichiren persuasion or those that come from the SGI or the Sokka Gakai International Buddhist denomination. Used to house the Gohonzon or the "kami" spirit, the Butsudan has 2 distinctive layers of doors folded twice when opened (collapsible)

A very culturally Japanese traditional fixture at home, almost every old Japanese family has one (except those who have converted to other faiths)

Butsudan doors are opened only during prayer sessions and also comes with an assortment of singing bowl/bell, a candle, incense, scripture stand, and also houses pictures and ancestral tablets of the departed. During evenings, it is closed. Am not sure why it ought to be closed since spirits or a diety cannot be physically "trapped" by it for safekeeping.

but all those doors kinda make it look cool and sleek with a deep resonance of solemn feel to it which i like.

Here are some of the many samples online which are really cool

 Absolutely beautfully lacquered and gold plated at the right places.
Something I was thinking if i can get hold of one to house a crucifix and the number of statues that I have.

 A thought has come to mind...what if i make one myself? wouldn't that be interesting? ah?
the models i've seen online look kinda tricky to make one.

Or should i just buy a 2 door cupboard and convert it into one?

 Am considering of having one for a Catholic altar. No harm right? Fancy "Asianising/Japanising" my Catholic devotions with this one. Something to look forward to!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Received sad news of Auntie Marianne Pradit's husband who passed away just recently in Brussels on 24 Feb last Thursday. Funeral will be followed by cremation on 3rd March, Wed 2011
Please pray for his blessed repose.

Andre Henri Jean-Francois TOTTE
 18 December 1941 - 24 February 2011
70 years

born Leopolville @ Kinshasa
died Brussels

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Requiescant in pace

Rest in peace Uncle Andre :'(
