Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sacred to Memory

Sorrowful moments remembered in time,
Seeking the meaning for death in rhyme,
Knowing that life won't be forever,
Sweet the memories created together.

Lost a soul in Valentine showers,
Lost yet another in gloomy May flowers,
Tears well drop to a breath of anguish,
Fades a life force meetings extinguish.

It is with great sadness, we recall in memory two souls who have returned to our Lord in the 2 first quarters of the year;

1. Jenny Hodge nee Kee Soo Chia (Sah Ee Poh) who passed away on 23rd February 2012

2. Kelvin Teoh Cheng Hin (cousin) who passed away 10 May 2012.

Requiem aeternam dona Eis, Domine,
Et lux perpetua luceat Eis.
Requiscant in pace.

Rest in peace Sar Ee Poh and Kelvin koh.  :)